Nanny or Daycare, Why Choose a Nanny?

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Nanny or Daycare. Why Choose a Nanny?

nanny or daycare, Monicare Chicago nanny agencyA nanny is a popular choice for parents of newborns and toddlers, since this age group needs a lot of individual attention and does not yet need peer interaction as much. Read on for some of the many advantages of choosing a nanny over a daycare center.

One-on-One Attention
A nanny interacts with children one-on-one, focusing on their needs and encouraging their strengths and interests. A dedicated in-home childcare provider enriches children’s lives through activities like arts and crafts, reading, sports, and music. In a crowded daycare classroom, a child can only participate in shared activities and gets very little one-on-one learning time.

Individualized Schedule
Mornings can be chaotic. Packing diaper bags and meals can be stressful, especially while feeding and grooming little ones. With a nanny, you eliminate the stress of rushing out of the house to get to daycare on time. A nanny gets children ready in a calm, leisurely way, adjusting to their mood and pace. During the day, children can eat, nap, and play at the times most appropriate for them, without having to conform to a group schedule.

A nanny is flexible and accommodates changes in parents’ work schedules, staying late or arriving early once needed. Like any other business, daycare centers have fixed hours of operation and are closed on holidays, leaving parents with little flexibility if any issues arise.

In general, children are more susceptible to colds, flu, and other illnesses. On average, infants catch nine colds per year and preschoolers catch twelve. Children attending daycare tend to get sick more often, as germs spread quickly among a busy classroom—and daycares do not provide care for ill children. A nanny cares for and comforts your sick child, so you do not need to take time off work or find a babysitter at the last minute.

Proper Nutrition
A nanny understands children’s nutritional needs and encourages them to follow a healthy meal plan provided by parents in accordance with any food restrictions and allergies. At a daycare, there is no individualized nutrition plan and parents have very little control over the meals and snacks that are given to their children.

Outdoor Activities
Getting fresh air is essential to children’s health and happiness. Rain or shine, a nanny takes children on daily outdoor excursions, such as the park, playground, sports, swimming pool, hikes, and playing in the snow. In a daycare center, children are only permitted to spend a limited amount of time outside.

Individualized Activities
A nanny offers activities tailored to each child’s interests, skills, and energy level. For a high-energy child, this can include team sports, play dates, and trips to the park or playground. For a curious child, this can include visiting the library, reading books, or going to the zoo or museum. With a customized activities schedule, parents know their children are having fun and learning new things every day. At a daycare, activities are generally group-oriented and not individualized.

A nanny helps children with homework and provides patient guidance geared to their learning style. A nanny also encourages development in music, writing, or art, building confidence and creativity. In a crowded classroom, most children do not get the individual attention they need.

Most daycares do not allow personal calls between parent and child. With a nanny, you can check in via phone or Skype anytime during the day. This can be especially comforting during illness, travel, and back-to-work transitions.

As a full-service Chicago agency MoniCare provides long-term and short-term nanny placement services. For a list of professional nannies MoniCare has previously placed, visit Meet Our Nannies.

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